The category level shows item performance and comparison within the category. Click any plot image for full size.

Item listing

Times worn

Total times worn to date. Green line items are divested, gray still in use. Green areas show 1 and 2 SD ranges for divested items.

Cost per wear and times worn

Gray dots trace the use of each item. Blue dots are guide trajectories for items with purchase prices of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 EUR.

Cost per wear and frequency of use

Dotted lines show average values for the total use to date of all divested items.

Times worn - Animated by date

Historic progression. Green line items are divested, gray still in use. Green areas show 1 and 2 SD ranges for divested items.

Cost per wear and frequency of use - Animated by date

Historic progression. Dotted lines show average values for the total use to date of all divested items to that date.

Daily cost

Daily cost of category item(s) worn. Green means the daily cost is final and no longer changes. Red means it may still decrease with future use.

Total steps

Total steps taken by pair of shoes. Daily step data integrated from Fitbit.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. CC BY, Olof Hoverfält 2018 - 2024