The full wardrobe shows performance and comparison of each category. Click the category name to see all items in that category.

Category listing

Active items by category

Number of active items in each category.

Inventory value by category

Sum of the value of active items in each category. The value of an item is its purchase price.

Total inventory value

Total value of active items. The value of an item is its purchase price.

Average cost per wear and category frequency of use

Average cost per wear by category. Category frequency of use is the share of all days in which any item in the category was used.

Average yearly cost and category frequency of use

Yearly cost of using the items in a particular category. Frequency of use is the share of all days in which any item in the category was used.

Daily cost

Daily cost of all items used on a particular day. “All divested” means the daily cost is final and no longer decreases with future use.

Daily cost - Animated by date

Progressions of daily cost of all items used on a particular day. “All divested” means the daily cost is final and no longer decreases.

Monthly cost and comparison

Monthly cost of the “utility of clothes” by category. Other current consumption for comparison.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. CC BY, Olof Hoverfält 2018 - 2024